Use good quality storage boxes (we sell sturdy cardboard TopStorage boxes). Wardrobe boxes allow you to store your clothing on hangers which keeps their shape.
Fill boxes to capacity, as partially full or bulging boxes may tip or collapse.
Pack heavy items into small boxes so they're easy to lift. Place heavy or bulky items on the bottom first to provide a good stacking base.
Label or number boxes so it's easier to find your things later. Write a comprehensive list of your stored items.
Protect your fragile goods with bubble wrap. Wrap dishes and glasses in tissue paper or bubble wrap before storing. Wrap table legs with bubble wrap before storing them.
Clean your garden equipment before storing it.
Always place a protective cover over your soft furnishings.
Prohibited goods for storage: toxic, polluted or contaminated goods, firearms, munitions or explosives, radioactive materials, flammable or hazardous goods, living plants or animals, food or perishable goods, cash and securities, illegal goods, waste. |